When the ordinary fails, the extraordinary is essential.
what we offer
Casualty Clash Excess of Loss
Casualty Standard Excess of Loss
Quota Share Agreements
Per Risk Excess of Loss
Treaty Cat Excess of Loss
Surety Bonding
UAV/UAS Global Coverages
Commercial Crime / Fidelity Bonding
Janus Assurance Re
Initially chartered in Bermuda and later re-domiciled to the Dominican Republic, Janus exceeds the mandatory capital and surplus requirements set by its domiciliary regulator.
our mission
We Create Innovative and Bespoke Solutions for Complex Risks and Portfolios
Surety One, Inc., is the exclusive managing general agency of Janus Assurance Re in the western hemisphere. Surety One, Inc., domiciled in San Juan, Puerto Rico, negotiates and binds Janus Assurance Re to select risks outside of the Dominican Republic.

Surety and Re Professionals
The Janus Assurance Re executive and underwriting teams include some of the most qualified and experienced operators in the insurance sector. The senior underwriting cadre contributes sixty years of Combined Experience in risk review, ratemaking, form design and business development.
Financial Guarantee
Janus Assurance Re offers financial guarantee instruments for asset-backed securities, commercial transactional credit enhancement, municipal infrastructure projects and governmental entity G.O. bond enhancements.

Strength, Depth of Expertise and Personal Attention
The surety, casualty and reinsurance sector requires a “new normal.” Janus Assurance Re has chosen that path and is equipped to innovate for you.